Five alternative lockdown activities!

If you’re part of the festival world, whether it’s as a crew member or you just love to visit them, you will now know that most of the UK’s amazing festivals have postponed to 2021. It’s ok though! Next year, not only will the organisers be looking to put on the best events but we will all be even more excited and up for it!!

In the meantime, what can we do to fill our time? Some of you will still be working or busying yourselves but it’s fair to say a lot of us will have some spare time on our hands! We don’t want to head down the route of ‘read a book’ or ‘learn a language’ so thought we would come up with some interesting ways to use your time!!!

Tie Dye some schizzle - It’s fair to say shopping for clothes hasn’t been high on the agenda and to be honest we really rather enjoy the feeling of revitalising things we already own and not buying anything unnecessary! Why not have a peek through your wardrobe and pick out some bits and bobs to Tie dye, not only will you be festival ready for next summer but you can sling them on at home or to zoom with ya pals!

Obviously you can buy dye online and go for it but we like this awesome blog on making your own natural dye and tie dying from that!

Learn a circus trick to amaze the fam - The most obvious and accessible circus trick is juggling! Now then, the thing is with juggling, you can get pretty creative. We are not suggesting you start out with chainsaws* but bananas and courgettes can also be juggled, meaning it’s a versatile party trick you can use whatever the occasion! Get involved! We like the tutorials by Kinetic Circus from basic juggling to some other mind boggling skills… Good luck!

*We are in no way advocating the use of chainsaws in juggling… Oh and please remember not to touch anyone elses balls, courgettes or bananas unless you live with them.

Learn some awesome yoga balances to wow your pals - Now then, we like yoga but it doesn’t float everyone’s boat… You can however, learn some pretty cool balances, pass some time and make yourself stronger! Obviously, be super careful and don’t do it if you have any injuries or you’re not sure, it’s always best to seek advice from the pro’s rather than get hurt! Why not start with Crow Pose from the lovely Yoga with Adrienne.

Become a towel folding master - Ever had the burning desire to fold your towels into swans or maybe even a sloth?? Maybe you have too many towels than you know what to do with? Well don’t worry, much time can be spent learning these valuable skills! Give it a go by following this handy video!

Learn Sign Language - Ok ok, so technically it’s ‘learn a language’ but it’s not the first one that springs to mind for most yet will likely be one of the most rewarding! Did you know there are over 140,000 users of British Sign Language in the UK and its not actually related to English! One final fact to lure you in… not only can it vary from country to country but also city to city just like the spoken word…

Sign Language Image

If you fancy giving it a go then head to to sign up for their online course. At the moment the they have an offer on for you to pay what you can afford with a minimum of just £3.

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for updates from our living room! If you attempt any of our suggested don’t forget to #CanvasCoLockdown so we can see your efforts!